I’m currently taking part in the beta for the Napoleonic Wars DLC and I can assure you that they are not similar to each other. There has been a lot of comments lately regarding the DLC being similar to “The Deluge”. They have done a great job with this total conversion and I would definitely recommend it to anyone. More information regarding the engine changes will be released at a later date, below please find a link for mmrussia should you wish to download it.Īt least they could have added some more to keep it from being essentially MM Austria, like a campaign, but I see it as essentially Mount and Musket: The Deluge. Along the course of making the DLC both FSE and TW have also significantly improved the Warband engine itself, this will obviously be of benefit to the Taleworlds modding community. Without their support a lot of features wouldn’t have been possible to implement.

MM Russia will never be taken down, the mmdev team (now FSE) had to remove the download links on the forums and stop supporting the mod once they received confirmation that Taleworlds is going to support them. And yes, M&M will still be available, there's too many mirrors for them to shut it down even if they wanted to. Please feel free to contact me on Steam if you want to have a chat about things. I'm Refleax, one of the guys helping people get introduced to our community and the DLC, I will do my best in answering any questions you may have. Musicians, Ensigns and Officers give bonuses to nearby rankers. Crouching with a bayonet now allows you to brace it to kill an incoming horse. Introducing the Siege game mode + a new Commander Battle mode where the players lead bots in a line battle against each other. New high-quality voice acting for all factions, both for male and female characters. A large amount of new musician tunes, specific for each nation. Musicians can now walk whilst playing, and even play the same tune together. Parallax mapping for walls, rocks and other objects for even greater atmosphere/graphics. Flags, trees, plants and water moving with the wind and new background sounds bring the world to life. Several new types of artillery and ammunition types, including shells, canister and even rockets. Sapper/engineering units for all factions, capable of building fortifications and blowing them or other buildings up using their explosives. New units that you always wanted such as Voltigeurs and Cuirassiers for France, Light Dragoons for Britain, Death’s Head Hussars for Prussia and much much more.

Completely remade France, Britain and Prussia + added the new Austrian Empire. Here’s just a small selection of the most important new features that the DLC offers: