Do not unzip, except for reading the included text files, of course.įYI: We're planning to release a new HRP version within the next couple of weeks.

If you really want to run the HRP with the Megaton executable (achievements, multiplayer), get the normal HRP 5.3 ZIP file from here and one of the two matching Megaton HRP Override packs (r5.3.565) from here. Remember Duke Nukem 3D, the great first-person shooter 3D Realms released back in 1996 Its cool protagonist, in game atmosphere, original weaponry and. Originally posted by LeoD:Standard answer, 5th incarnation: I haven't checked it out in detail, but Azatoth's Guide is looking pretty good and may provide useful additional information for you. Do not unzip, except for reading the included text files, of course. If you really want to run the HRP with the Megaton executable (achievements, multiplayer), get the normal HRP 5.4 ZIP file from here and one of the three matching Megaton HRP Override packs (r5.4.674) from here. Which HRP version do you use? (hrp_readme.txt in duke3d_hrp.zip) Your eduke32.cfg, settings.cfg, and latest eduke32.log (as attachments) Still having problems? Join our community and post in this thread, provide additional information: Check "Enable autoload folder" in the startup window. Start eduke32.exe without command line parameters. Put your duke3d_hrp.zip into the autoload dir. Create the autoload directory within the game dir. Unzip the "current" or latest EDuke32 to the game dir. Copy DUKE3D.GRP and (optionally) DUKE.RTS to the game dir. Create a new Duke Nukem game directory, for example C:\Duke3D. As far as single player gaming is concerned I strongly recommend using the HRP with EDuke32.